Yoga Club

Mr. Sunil Kulkarni
The Purpose
The Purpose behind starting Yoga club at KLS IMER is to ensure overall development of the students through better health so that they are ready to face the worldly challenges once they graduate.
We focus on achieving the following through regular practice of YOGA (health capsule), interacting with experts and discussions.
Physical Fitness
- Mental/Psychological Balance
- Emotional Hygiene/Stability
- Spiritual Bliss
International Yoga Day 2020
Health Capsule
- Health Capsule: Executive Wellness Program for the student executives
- Good health is the foundation for success, be it personal or professional. Health has four important constituents, i.e. Physical health, Mental/Psychological health, Emotional health and spiritual health. It is important to note that all the four constituents are important and collectively determine the wellness of a human being.
- Prof. Purushottam Bung, after a thorough research and practice for nearly a decade and fine tuning the same based on the feedback received by the people who have been practicing this and through his own experience has developed this 'Health Capsule' for the people at large and executives in particular so that they can lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
Health Capsule of one hour
- Practicing rigorous breathing exercises that include brisk walking, swimming, cycling, etc. for nearly 20 minutes
- Practicing relaxation Asanas like Shavasana for nearly 5 minutes
- "Bhasrika" Pranayama for 5 minutes
- "Anuloma — Viloma" Pranayama for 5 minutes
- "KapalBhati" Pranayama with left nostril, right nostril, alternate nostril and both the nostril which makes a complete cycle for 5 minutes
- "Agnisarasa" Pranayma and "Shwana" Asana and "Narasimha" Asana and other important Asanas and Pranayamas for 5 minutes
- "Bhramari" Pranayama and "Omkar Dhyana" followed by meditation for 5 minutes
- Lastly some neck exercises; back exercises; shoulder exercises; knee & ankle exercise; eye exercises to loosen up the entire body for 10 minutes
The Benefit
One hour out of 24 hrs has to be spent on oneself to remain fit (physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually) so that one can enjoy life to fullest. One has to take this health capsule of 1 hour as a medicine every day without fail as a ritual and start experiencing inner joy and satisfaction which is truly invaluable.- So far close to 20 plus YOGA sessions were organized (In campus and outside)
- Close to 80 plus students have benefited from this club since inception, i.e. 2014
- Dr. Deepali Patil, Regional coordinator, The Art of Living, Yesplus Program conducted one session
- Dr. Sachin Parab, (Consultant-Training & Development at BSES-MG hospital, Mumbai) conducted one session
- Celebrated International Yoga Day on 21st June Every year.
- Started Yoga Session for staff as a part of “Staff Development Program” from 29th May, 2019.
- Celebrated online International Yoga Day 21st June, 2020.